打破这一个单独的讨论。在星期一,2017年2月27日,艺术·马尼恩写道::> - CVE支持两个前缀计划十年(CVE)。::有两个方案的原因,世界改变,CVE进化而来的。:我记得这是相当繁琐(尽管这可能是:有价值的早期的CVE)。::在这个讨论可以/ CVE是什么意思?我真的,真的感到困惑,这个问题。CNA / CVE抽象从第一天开始有意义。从历史上看,它是董事会投票如果一个问题的CVE任务。这是一个候选人,直到董事会投票,或斜方执行的决定。主教法冠/ CVE网站实际上显示这些选票的十年。 If there were two schemes, for vuln in software (i.e. the context and purpose of CVE), for a *decade*... How can you possibly ask what CAN/CVE means in this discussion? Where we're (starting to) debate tracking site-specific vulns, which were absolutely against CVE policy three weeks ago, that I had to clarify on list as some CNAs were "we're selfish, we want to use CVE to track site-specific crap". This on the back of some CNAs voting against logic back during the epic renumbering scheme, moving past a four-digit identifier. That years later, MITRE arbitrarily said they were changing again, without a word to the board, until the news outlets called them on it. Seriously Art, there are levels upon levels of history here, about changing the scope or numbering scheme of CVE. I can't begin to understand why anyone would casually dismiss that history and then argue, "lets mix in vulns that were against the rules for 17 years" without considering an abstraction in prefix. The CNA/CVE choice, in 1999, made sense. But the board was radically different. After the board stopped voting on each CVE entry a year or three later, the CNA/CVE designation lost value. Years after that, it was hitorical academic masturbation at best. OSVDB was the first VDB that publicly and loudly told MITRE "we're not playing that game", and dropped the CVE/CNA designation. We started using the numeric identifer only, because it worked either way. Both schemes took you to the same entry. I argued with Christey/Coley on that for years, and ultimately we told him we were dropping it because it made no sense. Back when OSVDB had some measure of industry respect, that said something. Within a year, MITRE dropped that designation. So now... we're faced with adding site-specific vulns, that again... were against policy for 17 years. And you are really questioning the *idea* that they get a different designation? Please. This isn't about CNA/CVE, at all, and it shouldn't be to anyone involved in this process. This is about CVE / CME / CWE / CPE / [other C*E] projects. Spin it off, let it develop and evolve under a separate project [0]. If a CVE vuln impacts a site-specific service, they can cross reference. And there is some failed precedent here, as IBM has issued CVE IDs to site-specific issues in the past (IBM BlueMix junk, that later became a hybrid customer premise / SaaS offering, further convoluting things [1]). It caused problems back then, and the mix of site-specific vulns still plagues the CVE offering to this day. Anyone can request a CVE ID with minimal information, and MITRE assigns. Then we find out it is a) not a vuln b) site specific or c) both! .b [0] This may be problematic to MITRE to figure out funding, be it in the scope of CVE / 2 other projects under that contract, or spin up a new contract and convince DHS to fund it. Don't care. They are a horrible orgnaization wasting too many tax dollars as is. They can figure out how to con the government out of more money. That is not the CVE board's concern. If you disagree, cite the threads where you challenged them on wasteful spending in the past decade. =) [1] If anyone on the board is surprised by this bit, why? The CVE board is about directing CVE in the context of the *industry*. Not just YOUR organization. I am getting really tired of pointing this out.