CVE木板Meeting 2017年3月22日,下午2:00等
出席董事会成员是: Andy Balinsky (Cisco) Harold Booth (NIST) 肯特·兰德菲尔德(英特尔) Art Manion(CERT/CC) Kurt Seifried(红色帽子/DWF) Taki Uchiyama (JPCERT/CC) 戴维·沃尔赛(David Waltermire)(NIST)
Members of the MITRE CVE Team who attended the call are as follows: 丹·阿迪诺夫(Dan Adinolfi) Jon Baker 克里斯·科芬 乔纳森·埃文斯(Jonathan Evans) 马特·汉斯伯里(Matt Hansbury) 乔治·蒂尔(George Theall)
议程 CVE董事会会议2017年3月22日
2:00 – 2:05: Introductions, action items from the last meeting – Chris Coffin 2:05 - 2:25:工作组 战略规划-Kent Landfield Issues Actions 董事会决定 自动化 - Harold Booth/Kurt Seifried Issues Actions 董事会决定 2:25 – 2:50: CNA Update DWF - Kurt Seifried Issues Actions 董事会决定 将军 - 丹·阿迪诺夫(Dan Adinolfi) Issues Actions 董事会决定 2:50 - 3:10:更新上游CNA的时间范围-Dan Adinolfi 3:10 – 3:30: CNA Report Card Template - Dan Adinolfi 3:30 – 3:55: Open discussion – CVE Board 3:55 – 4:00: Action items, wrap-up – Chris Coffin
Introductions and review of previous action items
CNA Update
CNA成绩单 - Dan Adinolfi MITRE presented a draft template for the quarterly CNA Report Card to the Board. The Board accepted the current template and plans to update and revise it over time. MITRE will provide the metrics for the first quarter 2017 at the next Board meeting. 董事会建议,要创建一个更透明的环境,公共问题跟踪器将很有用。通过这样的事情,对CVE ID分配有疑问或评论的个人将能够发布这些内容,并将细节定向到适当的CNA。此外,董事会重申,应该有一种简单的方法将单个CVE ID与分配它们的CNA链接。最后,董事会建议,在CVE条目本身内包括有关CVE ID和CNA的元信息可能有助于自动化和众包准确指标的要求。这三个建议将来将在未来进行更充分的讨论。
Timeframe for Updating Upstream CNAs – Chris Coffin The current CNA rules do not stipulate a specific time by which a CNA should update their upstream CNA after a CVE ID has been made public. MITRE asked the Board for guidance on the most time a CNA can wait. The Board suggested that CNAs should update their upstream CNAs within 24 hours of the publication of a CVE ID. This recommendation will be added to the list of updates to be considered for the next CNA Rules update. Additionally, CVE IDs that have been reserved for long periods of time without any public assignment could be “REJECT”ed or labeled in some other way to indicate they are inactive in the CVE list. This idea will also be considered further.
Open Discussion - Dan Adinolfi The Board was directed to the GitHub branch of the CVE repository that has placeholders and early drafts for CNA documentation. The first document to be taken on by the Board, a CVE 101 white paper, will be shared with the Board and developed in the two-week timeframe that was previously discussed. 提醒董事会,CVE现在有两个Twitter帐户(@cveannounce和@cvenew)和一个LinkedIn页面。在董事会会议上,@cveannounce有大约40个关注者,@cvenew有大约500个关注者,而LinkedIn页面大约有80位关注者。 董事会建议它应该开始计划董事会和CNA的另一场面对面会议。 Miter将在接下来的几个月中参加一些会议,以提高对CVE和CNA计划的认识,以鼓励参与并征求利益相关者的反馈。董事会建议,米特(Miter)分享他们的旅行计划,他们不能前往董事会,以了解他们可以在哪里出去提高知名度的想法。 董事会讨论了CNA将CVE ID分配给永远不会公开的问题是否应该是公认的做法。大多数董事会认为这是不可接受的,但是将在此主题上进行其他辩论。
动作项目,总结 - 克里斯·科芬(Chris Coffin)