

在5/3/17下午3:36,Kurt Seifried写道:>公共——目前由最低JSON格式发布的适当的CNA (s),完全公开,主/斜方列表。意味着保留和分配。>拒绝——目前不受JSON格式,需要特定的子> ?被分配(保留),但现在已经拒绝了。>原因:这CNA候选人被撤回。撤回?>原因:这个候选人是一个预订重复的cve - 2017 - 7466。>注意:所有CVE用户应该参考CVE - 2017 - 7466 >的候选人。> DWF这些州的“拒绝”cf: > DUPLICATE_OF (CVE) > SPLIT_TO (cf)列表> MERGED_TO [lCVE] >拒绝(经典,如不是vuln)拒绝:NOTAVULN吗?这些都很有用。 > RESERVED - currently not covered by JSON format, needs specific sub > states? > > RESERVED as part of CNA block, not used yet (do we want to > actually > list this uniquely?) > > RESERVED as an actual CVE assignment that will become public (most > useful for MITRE “Retail” assignments?) ASSIGNED: Assigned by a CNA to a vulnerability, but not public yet, likely under embargo. ASSIGNED implies RESERVED. RESERVED: Reserved by a CNA for future assignment, but not ASSIGNED, and not in the UNASSIGNED pool. UNASSIGNED: Default state? In the pool of infinite available IDs but not in any other state? Needed at all? - Art
