
RE: CVE宣布,2017年5月11日(CVE网站选择通讯)万博下载包

>这种巨大的cf涌入可能会打破集成> ID的改变计划。我们希望cf的数量产生显著增长,我们将继续关注联邦和扩展程序。你能提供一些细节关于这些集成以及它们如何可能会影响吗?我也会好奇地想知道什么被认为是一个大更新。我们在前进并定期产生更多的cf,大型的定义可能会改变。>在未来,这样的大事件应该有更多的公共>警告。我们很高兴提供通过CVE通知网站,Twitter和LinkedIn渠道大型或重要的更新。你想什么样的时间表关于警告?克里斯- - - - - - - - - - -从原始信息:owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org [mailto: owner-cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org]代表耶利哥派:星期四,5月11日,2017年11:55:cve-editorial-board-list < cve-editorial-board-list@lists.mitre.org >主题:Re: CVE宣布,5月11日,2017 (CVE网站选择通讯)重要性:高在星期四,2017年5月11日,CVE写道::欢迎来到CVE-Announce的最新一期万博下载包的电子通讯。这个电子邮件时事通讯的万博下载包方法是:对CVE旨在将最近的新闻,比如新网站功能,新区域的CVE [. .]:------------------------------------------------------- : CVE-Announce e-newsletter/May 11, 2017 : ------------------------------------------------------- : : Contents: : : 1. IMPORTANT: CVE Will Reject a Group of Unused CVE IDs on May 11 We received warning a day before you planned to do it. It was pushed an additional day due to NIST's concerns. But I don't feel it is appropriate giving the rest of the industry a same-day notification of this. The fact that NIST said "whoa... hang on" along with some common sense says that this kind of huge influx of CVEs could potentially break integrations as much as a change in the ID scheme. In the future, such big events should come with a lot more public warning. Brian
