

克里斯,> >我认为我们想要达成共识(缺乏持续的反对)>协议。>同意了。> > >如果选择一个新的选项,开始一段新的讨论> >将>为董事会提供一种手段来提供反馈。>我第一次通读你的回应,我把这作为一种无限期>扩展>的决定。然而,我认为你说的是> >的决定是否改变了实质性的方式,我们希望所有> >成员审查委员会的决定再次>完全就好像它是一个新的决定。>,我认为这是有道理的,应该离开的情况下作为一个选项> >有持续的反对。然而,我认为,我们要避免情况> >的决定在哪里举行无限期地由一个董事会成员。确定。我们希望透明度,而不是官僚的僵局。我只是担心缺乏透明度,这可能导致从一个新的改变。 > > > Also, I would assume that two weeks starts from the time that > > minutes are > posted? > Kent had originally stated one week, and I extended this based on the > board > call schedule since we would want to get consensus before or during > the > next call. Assuming we get the meeting minutes out within the same > week as > the call, I think this still gives about a week and a half for > mailing list > discussion. Does a week and a half sound reasonable? Why not set a minimum of 1 week and allow some flexibility to expand the period as needed for issues that will need more time? Thanks, Dave
