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CVE董事会会议记录 - 2017年5月24日

(我们为延迟发送这些的延迟表示歉意 - CVE团队)

CVEBoard Meeting

24 May 2017, 2:00 p.m. ET



Harold Booth (NIST)


Art Manion(CERT/CC)

Kent Landfield (McAfee)

Kurt Seifried(红色帽子/DWF)

William Cox (Black Duck)

Dave Waltermire(NIST)

Taki Uchiyama (JPCERT/CC)

Ken Williams (CA Technologies)

Andy Balinsky (Cisco)

Members of the MITRE CVE Team who attended the call are as follows:

丹·阿迪诺夫(Dan Adinolfi)


Matt Hansbury

Anthony Singleton

乔治·蒂尔(George Theall)


CVEBoard Meeting 24 May 2017


2:00 – 2:05: Introductions, action items from the last meeting – Chris Coffin

2:05 - 2:25:工作组

Strategic Planning - Harold Booth/Art Manion




自动化 - Harold Booth/Kurt Seifried




2:25 – 2:50: CNA Update

DWF - Kurt Seifried




将军 - 丹·阿迪诺夫(Dan Adinolfi)




2:50 - 3:20:关于CVE ID状态和状态的讨论-Chris Coffin


相关:是否应该在CVE列表中列出保留的CVE ID?如果是这样,我们是否需要列表中的保留状态类型?

3:20 - 3:30:匿名CNA报告卡-Dan Adinolfi

3:30 - 3:45:保留CVE ID的时间限制?由于它们的模型略有不同,因此MITER CNA的时间限制是否不同?- 丹·阿迪尼尔夫(Dan Adinolfi)

3:45 – 3:55: Open discussion – CVE Board

3:55 – 4:00: Action items, wrap-up – Chris Coffin

Introductions and review of previous action items

  • The Automation WG was to email the Board to get permission for the Automation WG pilot. This was done.
  • MITRE was to provide the anonymized report draft the middle of next week. This was done and feedback is being collected.


  • 战略规划 - 肯特·兰德菲尔德
    • Issues
      • 工作组会议将在定期预定的董事会会议的同一周中1-2点。
    • Actions
      • No actions.
    • 董事会决定
      • 没有其他董事会讨论。
  • 自动化 - Kurt Seifried
    • Issues
      • WG举行了2017年5月15日的会议,会议中的一些笔记已发布到自动化WG邮件列表中。
      • The WG is going ahead with the Git-based pilot for pushing information to MITRE.
      • CVE ID的旧状态列表(例如,拒绝子州,保留/分配/分配的状态等)将通过邮件发送。
      • The WG discussed the idea that data sharing should be push-based. The responsibility for updating CVE data should be on the data contributor.

    • Actions
      • The WG fleshed out a plan for an information sharing experiment using Git and will share this with the Board.
    • 董事会决定
      • The Board needs to clear the bi-directional sharing Pilot. The WG will post a proposal for the sharing Pilot to the Board list and give the Board a week to review it.

CNA Update

  • DWF - Kurt Seifried
    • Issues
      • DWF正在处理分配请求的积压。
      • More CVE requests will be submitted to MITRE by the DWF this week.
      • 一些CVE ID请求者没有回复DWF的电子邮件(尤其是那些要求接受CVE使用条款的电子邮件),这正在减慢发布过程。DWF正在寻找更可靠的方法来做到这一点。
    • Actions
      • 下周将开发更多的基础设施。
    • 董事会决定
      • 没有其他董事会讨论。
  • 将军 - 丹·阿迪诺夫(Dan Adinolfi)
    • Issues
      • 东京的为期两天的培训进展顺利。9组参加。语言障碍是一个问题,但是该小组已经过去了。技术部门进展越来越好,内容编写部分进行得很好。CNA计划可能需要考虑培训材料的翻译。
    • Actions
      • None.
    • 董事会决定
      • 没有其他董事会讨论。

国家主题 - 克里斯·科芬


CNA Report Card Update – Dan Adinolfi


Time limit for reserved CVE IDs? Should there be different time limits for the MITRE CNA, since their model is slightly different? – Dan Adinolfi

An automated process for tracking this would be ideal. The goal would be to revoke a CVE ID assignment after a period of time or publish after a period of time, which will reduce the number of “stale” CVE IDs in the CVE list. MITRE will send a proposal to the Board with specifics.

公开讨论 - CVE董事会

Can rejected CVE IDs be moved back into an active state?

董事会讨论了这一点,并同意CVE ID应该能够更改状态以适应错误。这样做将需要通知和意识,即拒绝CVE ID可以更改。米特(Miter)将发出30天的通知,即此政策正在改变并正式化处理问题时交流的过程。


董事会讨论了在脆弱性描述中使用“未定义行为”。如果供应商/开发人员断言表现出不确定行为的漏洞是合法的,则应分配CVE ID。没有这种确认,研究人员应提供更多证据,表明未定义的行为代表了脆弱性。MITER应将仅提供“未定义行为”的请求者推回作为漏洞的描述。

MITRE is still working with HP to update the Board on questions related to their scope.

动作项目,总结 - 克里斯·科芬(Chris Coffin)

  • A list of the old and new sets of states for CVE IDs will be sent via mail for discussion.
  • Write up communication plan.
  • 2 weeks new anonymized report card
  • Write-up on time limits for reserved CVE IDs.

依恋:CVEBoard Meeting 24 May 2017.docx
描述:CVEBoard Meeting 24 May 2017.docx

页面最后更新或审查:August 07, 2017