








# CVE自动化工作小组(CAWG)宪章# #范围:CVE自动化工作小组关注识别和推进协同设计方案,开发和部署的自动化功能,支持CVE项目的有效管理。以下目标部分包括当前高层CAWG的目标。工作原理部分捕获SAWG使用原则作为任何努力的一部分。最后,目标部分提供了一些可测量的行为,CAWG目前针对任务。所有的列表如有更改,恕CAWG发展和新项目被确定。当一个提议被接受,将建立一个CAWG项目。项目由一个或多个参与者,将专注于一个提议。每个CAWG项目将包括一个单独的宪章,在需要的地方,提供工作的概述,明确目标,并描述了活动的范围由项目执行的。一般来说,CAWG项目是通过需求项目启动。建议,项目(s)是基于他们发起的,应该结合目标,本宪章中描述操作原则和目标。 ## Goals: - Realize greater efficiency in the creation, ingest, and publication of CVEs - Implement CVE processing and publishing in near-real time - Enable more effective management of CVEs, CNAs, and associated metadata - Develop capabilities that help improve CVE coverage - Make it easier to assign CVE IDs to any and all public vulnerabilities that conform to CNA rules. - Improve the quality of CVE data and metadata - Reduce the amount of human intervention needed to publish, consume, and use CVE data. - Provide improved transparency throughout the CVE management process - Achieve greater interoperability of CVE tools, repositories, and technologies - Promote seamless integration with other enumerations (e.g. CWE, CAPEC) and internal processes - Reduce the barriers for participation in the CVE Program. (e.g., costs, fees, time, effort, and technical expertise) ## Operating Principles: - Employ a decentralized approach to CVE management - Use free and open source solutions where possible. Avoid solutions that require propriety, closed systems, or are not compatible with CVE terms of use. - Promote free and open standards and best practices for automated information exchange. Avoid standards that are not free and not open. - Develop modular code and pluggable capabilities that can be readily reused or extended - Use consistent terminology and naming conventions ## Objectives: - Document current roles, responsibilities, workflows, data formats, and protocols - Define CVE user stories/use cases - Design, develop, and deploy automated and enhanced CVE services (ingest, publication, processing) - Design, develop, and deploy software tools for the development and management of CVE content/information - Streamline existing processes and lay a foundation for future processes
