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CVE Board Meeting Agenda - August 22, 2018, 2:00 PM Eastern Time

CVE Board Meeting 22 August 2018


2:00 – 2:15:Introductions, action items from the last meeting– Chris Coffin

  • Previous Action Item:MITRE (Chris C/Jonathan) to send out an email to the Board list to initiate the CNA Rules revision process (regarding inclusion)
    • Status:Not Done
  • Previous Action Item:CNA rules discussion—MITRE will start putting together a list of things to discuss in follow up calls
    • Status:Not Done
  • Previous Action Item:CNA Coordination group needs a chair—MITRE will begin initiating the conversations to identify a chair
    • Status:CNA Coordination Group startup has been prioritized and should begin this week.
  • Previous Action Item:Send out note to the Board on the CVE Quality WG (MITRE).
    • Status:Not Done
  • Previous Action Item:NIST (Chris J) to send any important topics to Board list from August 6 Automation WG meeting
    • Status: Not Done

2:15 – 2:30:Working Groups

· Strategic Planning – Kent Landfield / Chris Coffin

· Automation – Chris Johnson / Dave Waltermire

2:30 – 2:45:CNA Update

· DWF – Kurt Seifried

· MITRE – Jonathan Evans

· JPCERT – Taki Uchiyama

2:45 – 3:15:Smart Contract CVEs Discussion

3:15 – 3:50:Open Discussion

3:50 – 4:00:Action items, wrap-up– Chris Coffin

Page Last Updated or Reviewed:August 24, 2018