您的组织名称:惠普开发公司L.P. 网站:兼容功能:强化需求 功能主页:
一般能力问题 产品可访问性
Mapping Questions 地图货币指示
Map Currency Update Approach
文档问题 CWE和兼容性文档
If your documentation includes an index, provide a copy of the items and resources that you have listed under "CWE" in your index. Alternately, provide directions to where these "CWE" items are posted on your web site(受到推崇的):
惠普更新脆弱性分类法www.fortify.com/vulncat/quarterly, to correspond to HP Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks releases. Individual categories within the taxonomy reference various CWE mappings.
All interfaces provide users with the ability to group issues by CWE Identifiers.
Users searching for issues relating to specific CWE Identifiers can locate issues using search criteria, such as:
- 单独的CWE标识符:CWE:CWE ID ##
- CWE标识符列表:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 与CWE有关的所有问题:CWE:CWE
HP Fortify on Demand displaying CWE mappings (right column), without specifying CWE search criteria.
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Give detailed examples and explanations of how a user can obtain a listing of all of the CWE identifiers that the owner claims the tool is effective at locating in software(必需的):
强化脆弱性分类法,显示C/C ++缓冲区溢出类别www.fortify.com/vulncat/- CWE mappings are highlighted.
HP Fortify静态代码分析仪使用提供安全性和代码智能的大量规则对应用程序进行分析。某些规则包含与CWE无关的程序化API定义,但要返回有效结果。例如,只有使用与特定CWE关联的规则可能会禁用可以识别真正积极的支持规则。
Users searching for issues relating to specific CWE Identifiers can locate issues using search criteria, such as:
- 单独的CWE标识符:CWE:CWE ID ##
- CWE标识符列表:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 与CWE有关的所有问题:CWE:CWE
这些查询可以作为过滤器存储在HP Fortify Audit Workbench或HP Fortify软件安全中心中的项目模板文件中,以将结果可见性集中于CWE或任何其他外部列表,例如PCI或OWASP。
See answer to question <CR_A.2.7>。
强化需求makes use of HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA), HP WebInspect, and other methodologies. Support for CWE is the summation of the individual products that produce analysis results, as well as the other products and methods used by backend Fortify On Demand professionals performing security analysis.
- 单独的CWE标识符:CWE:CWE ID ##
- CWE标识符列表:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 与CWE有关的所有问题:CWE:CWE
HP Fortify on Demand displaying CWE mappings (right column), without specifying CWE search criteria.
Give detailed examples and explanations of how a user can obtain a listing of all of the CWE identifiers that the owner claims the tool is effective at locating in software(必需的):
HP Fortify On Demand makes use of HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer, HP WebInspect, and other products and methodologies performed by security professionals. Support for CWE is the summation of CWE support within each product.
强化脆弱性分类法,显示C/C ++缓冲区溢出类别www.fortify.com/vulncat/- CWE mappings are highlighted.
HP Webinspect
Other products as needed
Give detailed examples and explanations of how a "find" or "search" function is available to the user to locate tasks in the online capability by looking for their associated CWE identifier or through an online mapping that links each element of the capability with its associated CWE identifier(s)(必需的):
所有CWE映射都可以在www.fortify.com/vulncat并且可以使用网站等标准在任何搜索引擎中搜索:fortify.com/vulncat CWE ID 251
强化脆弱性分类法,显示C/C ++缓冲区溢出类别www.fortify.com/vulncat/- CWE mappings are highlighted.
Software Security Center can produce a SANS/CWE Top 25 Report for 2009 and 2010, in PDF or Word format.
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- 单独的CWE标识符:CWE:CWE ID ##
- CWE标识符列表:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 与CWE有关的所有问题:CWE:CWE
Users searching for issues relating to specific CWE Identifiers can locate issues using search criteria, such as:
- 单独的CWE标识符:CWE:CWE ID ##
- CWE标识符列表:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 与CWE有关的所有问题:CWE:CWE
HP Fortify Audit Workbench searching for a particular CWE, using syntax: cwe: cwe id XX
HP软件安全中心搜索特定CWE,使用语法:CWE:CWE ID XX
HP Fortify on Demand displaying CWE mappings (right column), without specifying optional CWE search criteria.
HP Fortify Audit Workbench enables users to control the grouping criteria, to browse issues by different criteria. Examples may include CWE, CWE then File, or Package then CWE, etc.
HP Software Security Center enables grouping and searching by CWE.
HP Fortify on Demand, showing an individual issue's CWE correlation.
- 搜索与单个CWE:CWE:CWE ID ##有关的问题
- 搜索与CWE列表有关的问题:CWE:CWE ID ## CWE:CWE ID ##(必要时重复)
- 搜索for issues relating to any CWE: cwe:cwe
Software Security Center can produce a SANS/CWE Top 25 Report for 2009 and 2010, in PDF or Word format.
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Report produced by HP Fortify Software Security Center.
Report produced by HP Fortify Software Security Center.
名称:Erik Costlow
Title: Product Manager
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following accuracy Statement(受到推崇的):
名称:Erik Costlow
Title: Product Manager
FOR TOOLS AND SERVICES ONLY - Have an authorized individual sign and date the following statement about your tools efficiency in identification of security elements(必需的):
名称:Erik Costlow
Title: Product Manager