CBC mode eliminates a weakness of Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode by allowing identical plaintext blocks to be encrypted to different ciphertext blocks. This is possible by the XOR-ing of an IV with the initial plaintext block so that every plaintext block in the chain is XOR'd with a different value before encryption. If IVs are reused, then identical plaintexts would be encrypted to identical ciphertexts. However, even if IVs are not identical but are predictable, then they still break the security of CBC mode against Chosen Plaintext Attacks (CPA).
CBC模式是块密码的常用操作模式。它通过在加密之前与明文的初始块进行XOR-ing IV起作用,然后在加密之前与先前的Ciphertext块一起使用Ciphertext的前块。
C_0 = IV
c_i = e_k {m_i xor c_ {i-1}}} 正确使用时,CBC模式为选择的明文攻击提供了安全性。拥有不可预测的IV是对此的关键基础。看 [Ref-1171]。
语言 班级:不是特定语言的(不确定的患病率) 技术 班级:ICS/OT(不确定的患病率)
示例1 在以下示例中,加密数据时使用CBC模式:
evp_cipher_ctx ctx;
char键[evp_max_key_length]; char iv [evp_max_iv_length]; rand_bytes(key,b); memset(iv,0,EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH); evp_encryptinit(&ctx,evp_bf_cbc(),key,iv);
公共类Symmetricciphertest {
公共静态void main(){
字节[] text =“ secret” .getBytes(); 字节[] iv = {
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES"); kg.init(56); secretkey key = kg.generekey(); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); ivparameterspec ips =新的ivparameterspec(iv); cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode,key,ips); 返回cipher.dofinal(inpbytes); 在这两个示例中,初始化矢量(IV)始终是零的块。这使得生成的密码文本更加可预测,并且容易受到字典攻击。
As of CWE 4.5, terminology related to randomness, entropy, and predictability can vary widely. Within the developer and other communities, "randomness" is used heavily. However, within cryptography, "entropy" is distinct, typically implied as a measurement. There are no commonly-used definitions, even within standards documents and cryptography papers. Future versions of CWE will attempt to define these terms and, if necessary, distinguish between them in ways that are appropriate for different communities but do not reduce the usability of CWE for mapping, understanding, or other scenarios.
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