Common Weakness Enumeration

A Community-Developed List of Software & Hardware Weakness Types

2021 CWE最重要的硬件弱点
>CWEList>CWE- Individual Dictionary Definition (4.10)


Weakness ID: 762
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The product attempts to return a memory resource to the system, but it calls a release function that is not compatible with the function that was originally used to allocate that resource.
+Extended Description

This weakness can be generally described as mismatching memory management routines, such as:

  • 内存是在堆栈上分配的(自动),但是使用内存管理例程Free()()()()()CWE-590),旨在明确分配的堆内存。
  • The memory was allocated explicitly using one set of memory management functions, and deallocated using a different set. For example, memory might be allocated with malloc() in C++ instead of the new operator, and then deallocated with the delete operator.

When the memory management functions are mismatched, the consequences may be as severe as code execution, memory corruption, or program crash. Consequences and ease of exploit will vary depending on the implementation of the routines and the object being managed.

+Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
自然 Type ID 姓名
Childof 根据根据- a weakness that is still mostly independent of a resource or technology, but with sufficient details to provide specific methods for detection and prevention. Base level weaknesses typically describe issues in terms of 2 or 3 of the following dimensions: behavior, property, technology, language, and resource. 763 发布无效的指针或参考
ParentOf Variant变体 - 与某种类型的产品相关的弱点,通常涉及特定的语言或技术。比基本弱点更具体。变体级别的弱点通常以以下维度的3到5来描述问题:行为,财产,技术,语言和资源。 590 没有记忆而不是堆
+与“ CISQ数据保护措施”(CWE-1340)有关
自然 Type ID 姓名
Childof 班级班级 - 以非常抽象的方式描述的弱点,通常与任何特定的语言或技术无关。比支柱弱点更具体,但比基本弱点更一般。班级弱点通常用以下维度的1或2来描述问题:行为,属性和资源。 404 Improper Resource Shutdown or Release
Phase 笔记



C ++(不确定的患病率)

范围 Impact 可能性


+Demonstrative Examples

Example 1

此示例使用C ++中的新运算符分配Barobj对象,但是,程序员然后使用Free()对对象进行处理,这可能导致意外行为。

Example Language:C ++
void foo(){
barobj *ptr = new barobj()
/* do some work with ptr here */



Instead, the programmer should have either created the object with one of the malloc family functions, or else deleted the object with the delete operator.

(good code)
Example Language:C ++
void foo(){
barobj *ptr = new barobj()
/* do some work with ptr here */


delete ptr;

Example 2

In this example, the program does not use matching functions such as malloc/free, new/delete, and new[]/delete[] to allocate/deallocate the resource.

Example Language:C ++
void foo();
void a :: foo(){
int *ptr;
ptr =(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
delete ptr;

Example 3

在此示例中,该程序在非HEAP内存上调用delete []函数。

Example Language:C ++
class A{
void foo(bool);
void A::foo(bool heap) {
int localArray[2] = {
int *p = localArray;
p = new int [2];
删除[] p;
+Potential Mitigations

Phase: Implementation

Only call matching memory management functions. Do not mix and match routines. For example, when you allocate a buffer with malloc(), dispose of the original pointer with free().

Phase: Implementation

Strategy: Libraries or Frameworks

Choose a language or tool that provides automatic memory management, or makes manual memory management less error-prone.


当使用XCode来定位OS X或iOS时,启用自动参考计数(ARC)[REF-391].

To help correctly and consistently manage memory when programming in C++, consider using a smart pointer class such as std::auto_ptr (defined by ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 14882:2003), std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr (specified by an upcoming revision of the C++ standard, informally referred to as C++ 1x), or equivalent solutions such as Boost.


Strategy: Libraries or Frameworks





Phase: Testing

  • 记忆
部分帮助This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
自然 Type ID 姓名
MemberOf CategoryCategory - a CWE entry that contains a set of other entries that share a common characteristic. 876 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 08 - Memory Management (MEM)
MemberOf CategoryCategory - a CWE entry that contains a set of other entries that share a common characteristic. 1172 SEI CERT C编码标准 - 指南51. Microsoft Windows(Win)
MemberOf CategoryCategory - a CWE entry that contains a set of other entries that share a common characteristic. 1237 SFP主集群:资源错误发布错误

Applicable Platform

This weakness is possible in any programming language that allows manual management of memory.

+Taxonomy Mappings
映射的分类名称 节点ID 合身 映射的节点名称
CERT C Secure Coding WIN30-C 精确的 Properly pair allocation and deallocation functions
软件故障模式 SFP12 内存释放故障
[Ref-657]“ Boost C ++库智能指针”。<>.
[Ref-480]“ Valgrind”。<>.
[REF-391] iOS Developer Library. "Transitioning to ARC Release Notes". 2013-08-08. <>.
Submission Date 提交者 Organization
2009-05-08 CWE内容团队 MITER
Contribution Date 贡献者 Organization
2010-04-30 马丁·塞伯 思科系统公司
修改日期 Modifier Organization
2009-12-28 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Applicable_Platforms, Likelihood_of_Exploit
2010-06-21 CWE内容团队 MITER
2011-06-01 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Common_Consequences
2011-09-13 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
2012-05-11 CWE内容团队 MITER
2012-10-30 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Potential_Mitigations
2014-02-18 CWE内容团队 MITER
2014-07-30 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships, Taxonomy_Mappings
2017-11-08 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Applicable_Platforms, References, Taxonomy_Mappings
2019-01-03 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships
2020-02-24 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships
2020-12-10 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships
2021-03-15 CWE内容团队 MITER
updated Relationships
2023-01-31 CWE内容团队 MITER
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