Common Weakness Enumeration

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CWE VIEW: DEPRECATED: Weaknesses without Software Fault Patterns

View ID: 999
This view has been deprecated. It was based on gaps in another view (CWE-888) related to research that is no longer updated, but was complete with respect to CWE at the time it was conducted.


Use for Mapping: Prohibited (this CWE ID must not be used to map to real-world vulnerabilities).

Rationale: This CWE has been deprecated.

Comments: see description for suggestions of other CWEs to consider.

+View Metrics
CWEs in this view Total CWEs
Weaknesses 0 out of 933
Categories 0 out of 352
Views 0 out of 47
Total 0 out of 1332
+Content History
Submission Date Submitter Organization
2014-07-29 CWE Content Team MITRE
Contribution Date Contributor Organization
2022-07-21 Djenana Campara KDM Analytics
suggested that there were errors in this view (leading to changes in taxonomy mappings in some entries), and that this view was outdated, leading to the decision to deprecate
Modification Date Modifier Organization
2019-01-03 CWE Content Team MITRE
updated View_Filter
2020-02-24 CWE Content Team MITRE
updated View_Audience
2022-10-13 CWE Content Team MITRE
updated Description, Name, Type, View_Audience, View_Filter
+Previous Entry Names
Change Date Previous Entry Name
2022-10-13 Weaknesses without Software Fault Patterns
More information is available — Please select a different filter.
Page Last Updated:January 31, 2023