Schema Differences between Version 6.0.1 and Version 6.1Version 6.0.1 Schema File: cwe_schema_v6.0.1.xsd -> Version 6.1 Schema File: cwe_schema_v6.1.xsd Minor changes from 6.0.1 --> 6.1:Added Primary, Resultant, and Indirect to the new OrdinalityEnumeration enumeration, which is now used within the Weakness_Ordinality element in Weaknesses. Added OMG ASCSM, OMG ASCRM, OMG ASCMM, OMG ASCPEM, OWASP Top Ten, The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java (2011), SEI CERT C Coding Standard, SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard, SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java, and SEI CERT Perl Coding Standard to the TaxonomyNameEnumeration enumeration, which is used in the Taxonomy_Mapping element in Weaknesses and Categories. This enumeration is expected to undergo further changes in future schema revisions. Added Reduce Maintainability, Reduce Performance, and Reduce Reliability to the TechnicalImpactEnumeration enumeration, which is used within the Consequence element in Weaknesses.
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