这威胁性防御中心,由Miter Engenuity操作TM值已经发布了一个名为ATT&CK Workbench的新开源工具。
MITER的长期,精致的用户att&ck®努力将组织对网络对手的本地知识及其策略,技术(TTP)(TTP)与公共ATT&CK知识库融为一体。 In response to this, the center embarked on an R&D project sponsored by AttackIQ, HCA Healthcare, JP Morgan Chase, Microsoft, and Verizon to drastically reduce the barriers for defenders to ensure that their threat intelligence is continually aligned with the public ATT&CK knowledge base.
工作台允许使用者 探索,,,, 创造,,,, 注释, 和 分享 extensions of ATT&CK. Organizations or individuals can use their own instances of the application to serve as the centerpiece of a customized version of the ATT&CK knowledge base, attaching other tools and interfaces as desired. Through the Workbench, this local knowledge base can be extended with new or updated techniques, tactics, mitigations groups, and software.
Isabel Tuson和Jon Baker的一篇新博客文章详细描述了这项工作。