Clinician smiling at a pediatric patient who is accompanied by a caregiver

综合症Joins MITRE’s Mission to Unlock the Power of Real-World Data for Cancer Research and Treatment


马萨诸塞州波士顿,2020年10月26日综合症,一家专门从事医疗保健数据集成和协作解决方案的技术公司,今天宣布将与MITRE为数据集成支持mCODE™ (minimal Common Oncology Data Elements)data standard. The partnership seeks to improve the overall quality and consistency of cancer data available to clinicians, patients, researchers, and other stakeholders in the fight against cancer.

Today,超过1800万人are living with cancer globally, with thousands of additional cases diagnosed every day. While there is a vast array of data available to support oncology research and clinical care, the majority of it is contained in electronic health records (EHRs), which are not always uniform in the way they collect, analyze and store data. The lack of standardized workflows, ontologies, and integrations has significantly hindered data’s true impact and potential in oncology. Cancer centers can use Syntropy for data integration and data modeling, but they often devote significant time and resources to the process of cleaning, structuring, and linking their data.


“Our work with MITRE on mCODE is a natural alliance as we are both focused on revolutionizing the oncology landscape by helping researchers unlock the value of their data,” said James Kugler, director of Syntropy. “By working with MITRE to pair Syntropy with mCODE, we are providing a novel, industry-leading infrastructure that simplifies and accelerates collaboration-driven insights for cancer centers across the United States.”

With mCODE, clinicians can capture and commonly define key data points for patients throughout clinical workflows and at every patient interaction. This helps facilitate research and collaboration to improve future care, leading to better therapies, reduced costs and enhanced outcomes overall. Through the support of the mCODE standard, Syntropy will now offer even greater user-friendly insight and data transparency for researchers and cancer centers. Syntropy, which provides a holistic view of organizations’ complete data landscape, will help users more easily interpret collected data by combining scattered data silos and integrating them under a common ontology aligned with mCODE. Syntropy will also streamline administrative, clinical, and research collaborations by providing transparency into the uses of institutional data under granular access controls.

Dr. Jay Schnitzer, MITRE’s chief medical and technology officer, said, “With less than six percent of cancer patients participating in clinical trials and the majority of information collected by EHR systems incompatible, high-quality data for cancer research is severely lacking. By outlining common, foundational data elements, the promise of mCODE is to accelerate interoperable data exchange and enable critical care- and research-based decisions—a vision that Syntropy shares.”

Both MITRE and Syntropy are members of the HL7 acceleratorCodeX, a community-wide organization created to expand mCODE through new use cases to address current and emerging operational needs.


综合症is a technology company specializing in healthcare data integration and collaboration solutions aimed at unlocking the value of scientific data. Syntropy serves as a catalyst for change in biomedical research by equipping scientists with more intuitive and effective tools for unlocking the value of their data, while creating an ecosystem that brings together leading scientific experts to win the fight against cancer and countless other diseases. Syntropy is a partnership between EMD Digital Inc., a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany (DAX:MKGAF), and Palantir Technologies Inc. (NYSE:PLTR). Syntropy is headquartered in Cambridge, MA.

About mCODE

MCODE倡议是美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO®)之间的合作,其全资非营利子公司Cancerlinq LLC,美国肿瘤学基金会临床试验联盟(Alliance Foundation),美国放射肿瘤学学会(ASTRO)(ASTRO)(ASTRO)和MITER,已开发并发布了一套常见的癌症数据标准和规格


MITRE’s mission-driven teams are dedicated to solving problems for a safer world. Through our public-private partnerships and federally funded R&D centers, we work across government and in partnership with industry to tackle challenges to the safety, stability, and well-being of our nation. Learn more

Data Privacy and Ethics

这项关于MCODE的合作的核心是Syntropy和Miter致力于保存和促进对敏感数据的安全性,隐私和负责任的承诺。任何一方的数据访问和使用都严格符合所有适用的法律,道德和监管方面的考虑,以获得数据贡献者/适当的数据管理员授权的目的。临床用例,例如由MCODE开创的肿瘤学数据元素包含和使用的电子健康记录,将根据所有适用的标准操作程序和法规,用于临床数据管理和使用。在研究背景下,最终用户及其赞助机构将受到标准的机构审查委员会和其他适用的道德审查协议的约束,这些协议将由Syntropy Platform的数据保护功能在技术上强制执行。

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