马林·哈珀(Marin Halper)
马林·哈珀(Marin Halper)是横切优先事项的副总裁,连接并应用了斜切专业知识,数据和应用研究的全部范围,以应对政府机构,国际盟友和行业合作伙伴的关键挑战。在这一职位上,Halper确保了MITER国家安全,MITER公共部门和MITER LABS内部的计划和跨裁切努力,可以在公司的Hallmark技术和主题卓越中提供有意义,可行和有效的解决方案。他对公司的直接工作计划保持一致的监督可以对全国挑战进行更广泛的影响。
A technical leader in remote sensing and signal processing work for the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, Halper previously led MITRE’s Integrated Sensing, Processing, and Exploitation (iSPE) R&D portfolio, as well as the development and operational fielding of novel automated processing capabilities designed to detect and identify materials of interest in near-real time using hyperspectral imagery. These processing capabilities—in particular, MITRE’s Probabilistic Identification of Solid Materials (PRISM) algorithm—have been broadly transitioned across the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, and industry partners, enabling an orders-of-magnitude impact in the accuracy, timeliness, and analyst burden associated with prosecuting hard targets.
哈珀(Halper)在耶鲁大学(Yale University)完成了他的数学和经济学学士学位,开始了他的纳米系统研究实习生的斜切生涯。他还拥有约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的应用和计算数学硕士学位。